Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Analyse and report data

Understand how to organise and evaluate data that has been researched.

1.1 describe purpose and benefits of organising data so that it can be analysed

1.2 explain how to evaluate the relevance, validity and reliability of data

1.3 explain how to analyse and prepare researched data so results will be accurate and free from bias

1.4 explain the differences between primary and secondary research methods

1.5 explain the differences between quantitative and qualitative research methods

1.6 describe how to search for relevant data sources.

[331.2] Understand how to report data that has been researched.

Assessment Criteria

2.1a describe ways of reporting data so that it:
meets agreed aims and objectives

2.1b is accurate and free from bias.

Be able to analyse and evaluate data.

This is for you to show specific data that you have been involved in

Organise data so that it can be analysed and reported

With many social media channels the analytics are built into the channel so 
data and information can be organised in a way that it can be reported on easily

 Select relevant, valid and reliable data to analyse

Depending on the aims and objectives of the data you wish to collect
This is something that might be a goal of a new marketing campaign and you are using analytics to see if the campaign is working .

apply analysis and evaluation techniques, as required

Through good visualisations of data, trends, locations, sales figures, demographics
customer retention, geographic locations, patterns, all this can be seen and analysis and evaluation can take place

3.4 review data to produce accurate, unbiased results and conclusions

3.5 check the accuracy of the analysis, and make adjustments, if required

3.6 obtain feedback on data analysis, if required.

[331.4] Be able to report data.

Assessment Criteria

4.1 present data in agreed format

4.2 present data to agreed timescale.

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