Wednesday, February 22, 2017



If you are not sure if it is your own work. Use this link to check before submitting in your work


Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work or borrowing someone else's original ideas.

 But terms like "copying" and "borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offense:

  • to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
  • to use (another's production) without crediting the source
  • to commit literary theft
  • to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source

In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. 
It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.


According to U.S. law, the answer is yes. The expression of original ideas is considered intellectual property and is protected by copyright laws, just like original inventions. Almost all forms of expression fall under copyright protection as long as they are recorded in some way (such as a book or a computer file).


  • turning in someone else's work as your own
  • copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
  • failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
  • giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
  • changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
  • copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use" rules)

Most cases of plagiarism can be avoided, however, by citing sources. Simply acknowledging that certain material has been borrowed and providing your audience with the information necessary to find that source is usually enough to prevent plagiarism. 

See our section on citation for more information on how to cite sources properly.


Using an image, video or piece of music in a work you have produced without receiving proper permission or providing appropriate citation is plagiarism. The following activities are very common in today’s society. Despite their popularity, they still count as plagiarism.

Copying media (especially images) from other websites to paste them into your own papers or websites.

Making a video using footage from others’ videos or using copyrighted music as part of the soundtrack.

Performing another person’s copyrighted music (i.e., playing a cover).

Composing a piece of music that borrows heavily from another composition.

Certainly, these media pose situations in which it can be challenging to determine whether or not the copyrights of a work are being violated. For example:

A photograph or scan of a copyrighted image (for example: using a photograph of a book cover to represent that book on one’s website)

Recording audio or video in which copyrighted music or video is playing in the background.

Re-creating a visual work in the same medium. (for example: shooting a photograph that uses the same composition and subject matter as someone else’s photograph)

Re-creating a visual work in a different medium (for example: making a painting that closely resembles another person’s photograph).

Re-mixing or altering copyrighted images, video or audio, even if done so in an original way.

The legality of these situations, and others, would be dependent upon the intent and context within which they are produced.

 The two safest approaches to take in regards to these situations is:
 1) Avoid them altogether or
 2) Confirm the works’ usage permissions and cite them properly.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Info Graphics

Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system's ability to see patterns and trends.

Infographics are a visually compelling communication medium that done well can communicate complex data in a visual format that is potentially viral. They take deep data and present it in a visual shorthand.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Employment Rights and Responsibilities

Employment Rights and Responsibilities

Q1 What three elements must an Apprenticeship Agreement contain?

An apprenticeship agreement is an agreement between an employer and an apprentice in which the apprentice agrees to undertake work for the employer.

 It is a written statement outlining the particulars of employment 

  • hours of work,
  • holiday entitlement, 
  • rate of pay 

The Agreement does not entitle an apprentice to any additional rights over other employees.

An apprenticeship agreement became a condition for the completion of an apprenticeship on 6 April 2012 due to the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act (2009).

An Apprenticeship Agreement can be in the form of a written statement of particulars under the Employment Rights Act (1996), or a document in writing in the form of a contract of employment or a letter of engagement where the employer's duty under the 1996 Act is treated as met.

Q2 Give three examples of legally-binding contract terms

Employment contracts are legally binding and protect both the employer and employee's rights and responsibilities.

The legal parts of a contract are known as ‘terms’. The terms of an employment contract set out what the employee and employer can expect of each other. 

It is important that you know what a legally binding part of a contract is and what is not.

A contract of employment can be given to you in a number of different ways, including:
  •  a written contract (or similar document)
  •  an employee handbook or on a company notice board
  •  a spoken agreement with your employer
  •  an offer of employment letter from your employer.
When a period of employment is set to last for more than a month, all employees are entitled by law to a written statement of the key terms and conditions of their employment within two months of starting work.

Conditions of employment which relate to the employee may include information relating to notice periods, salary/wages, benefits and work hours.   

Conditions of employment that relate to the company include discipline/grievance procedures, intellectual property and copyright.

Employment contracts can be permanent, where there is no end date specified, temporary, or for fixed-terms, where there is a specific end date for the employment.

Changes to employment contracts must be made by following procedures which are designed to protect the employee from unfair treatment. 
If employers wish to make any changes in their employees contracts of employment they must consult on those changes with employees or their representatives (eg a trade union).

Q3 There are three types of employment status - a ‘worker’, an ‘employee’ or ‘self- employed’. What are the basic employment rights for each employment status?

 Workers have a contract (not necessarily written) to undertake work in return for reward. Work should be available to them for the duration of the contract.
Workers are entitled to certain employment rights, including:
  • being paid national minimum wage
  • protection against unlawful deduction from wages
  • receiving the statutory minimum level of paid holiday
  • protection against unlawful discrimination
  • not to be treated less favorably if they work part-time.
 Employees are workers, but have a wider range of employment rights than other workers, including:
  •  statutory sick pay
  •  maternity, paternity and adoption leave and pay
  •  the right to request flexible working
  •  minimum notice periods of their employment will be ending.
Self-employed people are not generally covered by employment law, except for some things like health and safety. Rights and responsibilities are determined by the person’s contract with their client.

Awareness of Health and Safety in the Creative Media Sector

Awareness of Health and Safety in the Creative Media Sector

Describe key elements of health and safety regulations, relevant to working in the Creative Media sector

Key elements to Health and Safety regulations are:

Policy – Certain rules that are put in place to avoid injury such as tidying up after yourself.

Organizing – What rules need to be put in place to avoid injury or problems for example tidying wires away to avoid injury.

Planning and implementing – This is to make sure health and safety policies are put in place to a legal requirement and have been trialed to the correct standard.

Measuring Performance – measuring performance helps to notify and trial new problems that come up in the creative media sector.

Reviewing Performance – Using the results from measuring performances a meeting should be taken out to discuss problems and improve them

Electrical Safety
Key elements to electrical safety in the creative media sector can include safety on computers, this can include not drinking next to computers and switching off electrical equipment before tampering with it at all. Also working with lighting equipment I also make sure I switch off the light before attempting to unscrew the bulb, otherwise I'd be creating an electrical hazard.

On film shoots we carry a lot of heavy equipment such as cameras, tripods and lighting kits. Chances are if there are not enough people to carry items on shoot people will try to carry more things than they actually physically can, causing strain on their bodies, also it may obstruct their view.

Working at heights
In the creative media industry it is very important to stay safe while working at heights, for example we could be on a ladder filming from a high perspective or taking photographs from a high perspective, in cases like these we make sure that we aren't leaning to the side of the ladder to capture something, even if this means getting off the ladder, moving it, then getting back on. We also make sure that someone is holding the ladder at the bottom just to keep it sturdy, having someone else there can ensure safety and ensure that no injury will happen.

Working as a photographer I deal with a lot of printing, I have to be careful whilst changing inks, as exposure like this in the long term can cause problems like dermatitis, which is a serious skin condition.

Chemicals: taking appropriate action when working with dangerous chemicals

Solitary working.Make sure others in the workplace are aware of where you are and what you are doing.

First aid
At work it is my employers duty to make sure the first aid kit is fully stocked and functional. The employer should also make sure that the equipment is appropriate and adequate for any dangerous circumstances in the media environment. We have a first aider in the building in case of any injuries in the office and we also make sure that every time we are out on shoot we bring a first aider with us in case anything happens when we're out.


Headphones: Noise pollution protection
Eye wear: goolges
Overalls: when dealing with chemicals
Safety shoes: for example steel toecaps
Gloves: Protection from chemicals

Heavy Machinery:

Following appropriate precautions and workplace rules when working with heavy machinery

  Describe the main employer responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act

Web Development

Web Development

1.1 Describe the hardware and software components which enable the internet and web

Talk about each one of these components


1a) Mail and proxy servers

You can access email two ways, one way can be online via a website and the other way is mail client software this is where you use software which is on your computer an example of this is outlook. Some ISP’s provide you with a free emailing service. On the internet you will find free emailing services or if you want the safety you can pay for your emailing account. A mail server will allow you to access your emails and perform emailing tasks such as sending, forwarding and replies.

Proxy Server
A proxy server is what checks that the computer system can view the site for example if you have pop up blocks the proxy server is what says no to the web page when it tries to display itself. Some people see the proxy server as a safety precaution as it blocks these unwanted sites. The proxy server connects the different servers to your computer. Proxy server controls speed in which the pages are displayed, and the more doubtful reasons, like boundaries.

1b) Routers

 A router is an essential to web components as it’s a network device. The router is run through your ISP (internet service provider) the router is what allows you to get on the internet, once on the internet it controls your commands. When you enter a site into your search bar the message is then sent through the system this then gets the information and sends it back to you so that you can view the web page on your computer screen. You can connect more than 1 computer to a router, so the router needs to know the route of where it came from to make sure that it sends the right thing to the right computer it does these using different routes.

1c) Servers

1d) Operating Systems

An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs. All computer programs, excluding firmware, require an operating system to function.

1e) Network interface cards and cabling

A network interface controller (NIC, also known as a network interface card, network adapter, LAN adapter or physical network interface, and by similar terms) is a computer hardware component that connects a computer to a computer network.

1f) Wireless access points

In computer networking, a wireless access point (WAP) is a networking hardware device that allows a Wi-Fi compliant device to connect to a wired network. The WAP usually connects to a router (via a wired network) as a standalone device, but it can also be an integral component of the router itself.

1g) Browsers

A web browser is a software application, it is what is used to locate retrieve and display information onto the World Wide Web, and this does include pages, images videos and other types of files. The web server and the web browser work together to allow the user to be able to view their request. Today’s two types of main web browsers are Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. But there are many others such as Apple Safari, Opera and Firefox. Web browsers are usually used to access information on the web, a browser can also be used to access information hosted on web servers in private networks. Nowadays many computers are functional for all software suites as they can de-code things and display html pages, applications, java and over things hosted on web servers. Browser uses HTTP and decodes the packets that it receives. All browsers look very similar even if they are different they will look similar and have roughly the same layout.

1h) Website development software

The purpose of such a program is to make it easier for the designer to work with page and site elements through a graphical user interface that displays the desired results, typically in a WYSIWYG manner, while removing the need for the designer to have to work with the actual code that produces those results.

1.2 Explain the role of the TCP/IP protocol including IPv6

TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, which is a set of networking protocols that allows two or more computers to communicate. The Defense Data Network, part of the Department of Defense, developed TCP/IP, and it has been widely adopted as a networking standard.

1.3 Explain the role of internet service providers, web hosting services and domain name registrars

TCP/IP- TCP meaning Transmission Control Protocol, it’s important as its one half of a network protocol used to control data on the internet. The other half of the network is IP. Meaning a whole network protocol is TCP/IP this is what is used to manage the data which is moving through the internet. 

TCP is liable for the examination data that has been delivered accurately from your computer to a different the server. If data is misplaced, then TCP requirements state that the data is re-sent automatically by the computer. 

IP is formally known as Internet Protocol. This half is liable for moving data from one part of the network to the next. Each packet has a place in which it needs to be this is the job of the IP to make sure it gets to the right place. Every single device which uses the internet and every computer have an IP address. 

TCP/IP is able to read the examination of the data. Also it wouldn’t work with the networks/internet but it does allow apple macs and windows computers to communicate. 

1.4 Describe available types of web functionality including:

Explain the types of web functionality as listed below.

Types of web functionality

2a) Web 1.0
2b) Web 2.0
2c) Blogs
2d) Online applications
2e) Cloud computing

Web 2.0 is based on the interactivity for web users. It also is purposeful when it comes to sharing information and the user’s content. It is not a new web browser but it is a new way of using the internet. Web 2.0 allows you to cooperate, add information and opinions, donate share and challenge, rather than using the internet in an inactive way. It allows you to do these things through the following:

- The main wiki in which many people use is wikipedia. This allows you to add information to the site and allows you to help other with things in which you understand but others don't. Many people don't find wikis very reliable as anyone can change the information to anything but many people also use the wiki sites. Wikis even allow you to create you own site.

Blogs- Some people see these as an online diary or journal. Anyone can create a blog, people who tend to make blogs are known as bloggers. Blogs can come both public and private, other people who view peoples blogs can use icons to comment and interact with the blogger.

Social Networking-Social networking sites are becoming a bigger thing as time goes on. Users can go onto the site create a free account, this then allows them to create a profile this then allows them to communicate with others. Examples of social networking sites would be, facebook, twitter, tumblr, bebo and myspace.

Online Applications
- This is an application that you can use online this can save you money and capacity on your system. An advantage of using this is that you are able to access the application online from other systems with an internet connection.

Cloud Computing
This is where a user saves a programme or file but it is not saved onto there computer it is saved onto the 'Cloud' this is where shared resources are connected into one mass of on-demand knowledge. This means that any computer that connect the internet can access this cloud this way you can get the information, data, program, or file you need from any point. The problem with cloud computing is that it isn't very reliable. Cloud computing is unreliable because of the server is down you are unable to access your cloud computing.

2.1 Explain the use of markup languages: HTML and  XML

HTTP-HTTP formally known as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, it’s a set of rule that are used when transmitting files over the WWW (World Wide Web). 

Many URL’s begin with http:// this tells the internet browser that the rules for viewing webpage’s from the web server will be text ,graphic, sound, video and then the rest as this is what HTTP does creates a set of rules in which things are sent across as in a specific order. This makes it easy for the other end to receive and deal with.

HTTP will work with the router because it needs to make sure that the right packets take the correct right to the correct computing machine.

2.2a Explain the use and functionality of:

• web runtime environments

A Run-time environment implements part of the core behaviour of any computer language and allows it to be modified via an API or embedded domain-specific language. A web runtime environment is similar except it uses web based languages such as Java-script which utilises the core behaviour a computer language. Another example of a Run-time environment web language is JsLibs which is a standable JavaScript development runtime environment for using JavaScript as a general all round scripting language. JavaScript is often used to create responsive interfaces which improve the user experience and provide dynamic functionality without having to wait for the server to react and direct to another page.

2.2b • web application programming languages

A web application program language is something that mimics a traditional desktop application within a web page. For example, using PHP you can create forms and tables which use a database similar to that of Microsoft Excel.

Some of the other languages for web application programming are:

  • Ajax
  • Perl
  • Ruby
2.3 Explain the role of databases in building websites and web applications: SQL and PHP

2.4 Identify typical product stack combinations that can be used for web development

3.1 Produce a pre-production proposal document for a web-site development project, identifying client needs, and user needs development timescales

3.2 Produce an implementation plan for a web-site development

3.3 Identify the components required to develop a web-site

This will be covered by the creating and evidencing of the website

4.1 Design components of a multi page web-site

1a) Layout of pages
1b) Navigation or Story Board
1c) Format of content
1d) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
1e) Shopping cart
1f) Images
1g) Animation

4.2 Develop components of a web-site

4.3 Test components of a web-site including:

Components 4.3
2a) Functionality testing (user environments)
2b) Verifying all Links work as they should
2c) Navigation
2d) Content
2e) Check against user requirements

Monday, January 30, 2017

Typefaces and Letter Forms

 Unit 39 Typefaces and Letter Forms

Create an Animated Car Banner using Flash CS5

Create an Animated Car Banner using Flash CS5

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an animated banner using Flash CS5. You will learn how to create a car moving on a road with its tires spinning. You can also download the free .fla file of the banner animation.
Here we will create a banner of size 728x300. To start with the tutorial download the file that will provide you with the necessary files to be used in the tutorial.
1.       Open a new flash file. Choose Window > Properties from the main menubar the PROPERTIES panel is displayed as shown in figure below
Choose the Edit button under the PROPERTIES area in the panel, the Document Settings window is displayed. Set the dimensions as 728(WIDTH) and 300(HEIGHT) and choose the OK button to make the changes.
2.       Rename the existing layer as buildings and choose File > Import > Import to Library from the main menubar and import the files downloaded at the starting of the tutorial.
3.       Choose Window > Library from the main menubar; the LIBRARY panel is displayed. Pull the building images to the stage area and align it as shown in Figure below.


4.       Select the image and choose Modify > Convert to Symbol from the main menubar and name this movieclip as building_animation.
5.       Double-click on the movieclip and select the building image and create a moviclip again and name it as building. Rename the layer as anim_building.
6.       Select frame 460 and add a keyframe. Select the building movieclip and open the PROPERTIES panel and se the X value to -1450. Publish the file to see the animation. If at any point of time you find a jerk in the animation please adjust the position and frames of the building movieclip accordingly.
7.       Go to the main stage area and create a new layer named road. Choose the Rectangle Tool from the Tools panel and create a box at the bottom of the building area and align it as shown in Figure below. Make sure that the color of the road is set to #171717.


8.       Next, create a new layer named road strip and create a grey and white rectangular pattern using the Rectangle Tool from the Tools panel, as shown in Figure below. Make sure that the length of the road strip pattern is almost equal to that of the buildings.
9.       Select the road strip and choose the Free Transform Tool from the Tools panel and distort the road strip as shown in Figure below. Make sure  that the color of the grey part in the strip pattern is similar to that used in road.
10.   Choose Modify > Convert to Symbol from the main menubar and name it as road strip. Select the movieclip and choose Modify > Convert to Symbol again and name it as road strip animation. Place this animation in the center of the road as shown in Figure below.
11.   Animate the road strip as you did for the building movieclip. But make sure that the speed of the road strip is double as compared with the moving speed of the buildings. Publish the flash file to see the transition in the animation.
12.   Next, move back to the main stage area and create a new layer and name it as logo. Drag the logo.jpeg file from the LIBRARY panel and place it in the scene by first scaling it down as shown in Figure below.

13.   Create a new layer in the main stage area and rename it as footpath. Create the footpath using the Rectangle Tool as shown in Figure below. Make sure to match the length of the footpath series with the road strip.

14.   Align the foothpath as shown in Figure below.
15.   Animate the foothpath similar to the road strip with the same speed. Publish the flash file to see the effect.
16.   Next, in the main stage area create a new layer and rename it as car. Choose Modify > Convert to Symbol and rename it as car. Double click on the car movieclip and create a new layer and rename it as tyre_front.  Zoom in the to the front tyre area in the screen and create a pattern using the Rectangle Tool as shown in Figure below.

17.   Make this pattern as a movieclip and renmae it as tyre_mask. Double click on this movieclip and rename the existing layer as bg and selec the cross pattern again and choose Modify > Convert to Symbol from the main menubar and rename it as spokes. Choose Window > Properties from the main menubar and add blur filter to it.
18.   Next, create a new layer over it and rename it as mask. Create an oval shape exactly the shape of the rim of the car as shown in Figure below.

19.   Activate the bg layer and create keyframes at frames 3 and 6. Rotate the spokes movieclip at frame 3 by around 180 degrees and add motion tween between the keyframes.
20.   Next, activate the mask layer and chose frame 6 and press F5 to extend the frames. Now, right click on the mask layer and choose Mask from the drop-down list, spokes will be visible only in the rim area as shown in Figure below.

21.   Similarly, add the same effect to the rear wheel. Move back to the main stage area and double click on the car_animation movieclip and create a keyframe on frame number 40. Move the car movieclip a bit in the top right position. Next, add another keyframe at frame number 75 and place the car in the bottom right position. Add one more keyframe at frame 115 and place the movieclip in the top left position. Add the last keyframe on frame 190 and place the moviclip at the same position as it was on frame1. Add motion tween between the all the keyframes.
22.   Position the car on the main stage area as shown in Figure below.
23.   Publish the flash file to see the banner animation.
24.   You can also use this banner animation for creating an banner advertisement for mercedes benz. To do so, create one more layer in the stage area and rename it as text and add it in the scene and make it fly in the stage area and then stop as shown in Figure below.
25.   Publish the flash file to get the animation as shown below.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Computers in Design Practice:Jessica Walsh

Computers in Art Practice:Manfred Mohr

Artist Manfred Mohr

Since 1969, Manfred Mohr has used computers and plotters as electronic and digital drawing aids, thus making inevitable that the creative process would be turned into a logical one.

 In Mohr’s own words “computer graphics … are the product of unambiguously defined problems, with the detailed analysis of the programming process that have previously remained concealed as if by taboo”. (M.M.)

 In the Divisibility work group, which form part of the Generative Arbeiten [Generative works] series, where the work P-306-K belong, Mohr is researching the surface character of signs made up according to defined rules laid down by the artist:

 “The cube is divided into four parts by a horizontal and a vertical incision. Four independent rotations of a cube are projected into the corresponding quadrants produced by incisions. In order to make the signs visually stable, two diagonally opposite quadrants contain the same rotation” 

(M.M.).  P-197 J, however, makes the systematic principle transparent, through varying seriality and structural pattern.

Paths through the cube: Manfred Mohr at the Kunsthalle Bremen Prize winners of the d.velop digital art award [ddaa] 2006 Manfred Mohr is one of the pioneers of computer art. 

In 2006, he received the d.velop digital art award [ddaa], which was awarded for the second time in 2006. This first major, international award in the field of digital art is donated by d.velop AG (Gescher) and annually. 

The Digital Art Museum [DAM] in Berlin will award the prize, and the Kunsthalle Bremen will present the award winner in a separate exhibition.

 First prizewinner of the d.velop digital art award [ddaa] 2005 was the artist Vera Molnar. Manfred Mohr has programmed from the outset himself and laid down the fundamental theme of his work, but the specific form is determined by the computer. 

Born in Pforzheim, Germany, Mohr was born in Paris in 1963-81, and since then has lived in New York, Mohr is one of the first artists to see more than one graphical field in the computer. 

Nevertheless, he always understood the computer as a means for his own art, independent of technical utopias. Mohr's consistently computer-generated Ĺ“uvre led to a difficult position in the art system during the first years, because the computer as an artistic medium was generally viewed with skepticism by colleagues, critics and museum managers. In the meantime, Mohr's work, which has been devoted exclusively to the figure of the cube since 1973, is highly valued. 

With the awarding of the d.velop digital art award [ddaa] 2006 to Mohr, his artistic approach has received a corresponding appraisal. Around 70 works by Mohr's computer-generated work are presented in the Kunsthalle - from the search for forms of a graphic language from 1969 on to the exclusive employment with the cube up to the recent examination of the cube.

Since the late 1950s, Manfred Mohr, a pioneer of generative and computer art, has been making rigorously minimal paintings and drawings. His work is stringently conceptual, but with an elegant lyricism which belies its formal underpinnings. 

During the 1960s, Mohr’s practice evolved from abstract expressionism towards a more hard-edged geometric painting. By 1968, in pursuit of a ‘real rational art’ he had begun to develop a ‘programmed expressionism’ in which algorithms were used to generate art that formalised his vision in a new, logical way.

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Computers in Art Practice:Manfred Mohr

Artist Manfred Mohr Since 1969, Manfred Mohr has used computers and plotters as electronic and digital drawing aids, thus making inevita...