Thursday, February 9, 2017

Awareness of Health and Safety in the Creative Media Sector

Awareness of Health and Safety in the Creative Media Sector

Describe key elements of health and safety regulations, relevant to working in the Creative Media sector

Key elements to Health and Safety regulations are:

Policy – Certain rules that are put in place to avoid injury such as tidying up after yourself.

Organizing – What rules need to be put in place to avoid injury or problems for example tidying wires away to avoid injury.

Planning and implementing – This is to make sure health and safety policies are put in place to a legal requirement and have been trialed to the correct standard.

Measuring Performance – measuring performance helps to notify and trial new problems that come up in the creative media sector.

Reviewing Performance – Using the results from measuring performances a meeting should be taken out to discuss problems and improve them

Electrical Safety
Key elements to electrical safety in the creative media sector can include safety on computers, this can include not drinking next to computers and switching off electrical equipment before tampering with it at all. Also working with lighting equipment I also make sure I switch off the light before attempting to unscrew the bulb, otherwise I'd be creating an electrical hazard.

On film shoots we carry a lot of heavy equipment such as cameras, tripods and lighting kits. Chances are if there are not enough people to carry items on shoot people will try to carry more things than they actually physically can, causing strain on their bodies, also it may obstruct their view.

Working at heights
In the creative media industry it is very important to stay safe while working at heights, for example we could be on a ladder filming from a high perspective or taking photographs from a high perspective, in cases like these we make sure that we aren't leaning to the side of the ladder to capture something, even if this means getting off the ladder, moving it, then getting back on. We also make sure that someone is holding the ladder at the bottom just to keep it sturdy, having someone else there can ensure safety and ensure that no injury will happen.

Working as a photographer I deal with a lot of printing, I have to be careful whilst changing inks, as exposure like this in the long term can cause problems like dermatitis, which is a serious skin condition.

Chemicals: taking appropriate action when working with dangerous chemicals

Solitary working.Make sure others in the workplace are aware of where you are and what you are doing.

First aid
At work it is my employers duty to make sure the first aid kit is fully stocked and functional. The employer should also make sure that the equipment is appropriate and adequate for any dangerous circumstances in the media environment. We have a first aider in the building in case of any injuries in the office and we also make sure that every time we are out on shoot we bring a first aider with us in case anything happens when we're out.


Headphones: Noise pollution protection
Eye wear: goolges
Overalls: when dealing with chemicals
Safety shoes: for example steel toecaps
Gloves: Protection from chemicals

Heavy Machinery:

Following appropriate precautions and workplace rules when working with heavy machinery

  Describe the main employer responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act

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