Calligraphy with Photoshop and Illustrator
Calligraphy is a Visual Type Art which in former time, it can be done only on traditional method, using pen, brush, or swan feather. But now, you can easily make calligraphy on digital method.

In this tutorial, I want to share step by step how to make Digital Calligraphy with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. See the finished version: "Rise and Shine". I hope this tutorial will be useful.

2. Open your sketch in Adobe Illustrator, choose "Paint Brush Tool" or press "B". Open the brush palette ( Window - Brushes ) or press "F5", double click on "2 pt. Oval" brush to open the brush option, then use this setting:
Angle = 45 - FixedNow you are ready to write calligraphy, make new layer above the sketch layer, and trace the sketch.
Roundness = 10% or lower - Fixed
Diameter = Try your best - Fixed

3. Refine the path shape with "Direct Selection Tool" or press "A". We don't have to do this step, if you already have a smooth shape.

4. Hide your "Sketch" Layer and Export your calligraphy to png with transparent background.

5. Open your Png file in Photoshop. I want to change my Calligraphy to white color, you can easily change the color by pressing "Ctrl+U" or go to "Image - Adjustment - Hue/Saturation", then set lightness to 100%. Create background layer and fill it with black color (You can use "Paint Bucket Tool" or press "B").

6. Create new layer, give it a name "Shadow" and place it above your calligraphy layer. Right click on "Shadow" layer then choose "Create Clipping Mask".

7. Now, we will make the shadow, and you must brush manually to make 3D effect. First you must make selection, and I recommend you to use "Pen Tool", because you can make the shape of your selection easily. After you create the shape with Pen Tool, right click and choose "Make Selection", set Feather Radius to "0".

8. Select "Brush Tool" and choose "Soft Round Brush" (standard Photoshop brush). Now, brush slowly in the selection area with black color.

9. After you done with your brush, remove the selection by pressing "Ctrl+D" or right click and choose "Deselect".
Repeat step 7 to step 9 to your another shape, you must use your feeling to place the shadow and you'll make cool 3D effect.

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