Tuesday, September 13, 2016

What is Spam?


This program investigates one of the major issues confronting business and individual computer users today - spam.

Health and Safety Issues in ICT

Health and Safety Issues in ICT 

It?s probably not immediately obvious to the average teenager ? or many adults for that matter ? but moderate to heavy computer use brings with it a number of areas of risk when it comes to health and safety. This programme covers a wide range of aspects of health and safety in the use of ICT ? including ergonomic chairs, the positioning of furniture and computer hardware, cables, use of keyboard and mouse, posture, the need for breaks, and includes a range of exercises designed to prevent injury. In workplaces in particular, health and safety issues ? including those associated with ICT ? are governed by legislation. During the program, OHS Officer from Aviva, Stuart Capel, addresses many of the key areas relating to health, safety and ICT.

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Computers in Art Practice:Manfred Mohr

Artist Manfred Mohr Since 1969, Manfred Mohr has used computers and plotters as electronic and digital drawing aids, thus making inevita...